Category Archives: Risk Factors

Hvad er atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

What is Atrial Fibrillation? is the most commonly diagnosed form of arrhythmia. One in four of us will be diagnosed with AF

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Upåagtede faktorer, der kan udløse atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

There are many factors that can trigger atrial fibrillation – understanding these can help you avoid developing or worsening your afib.

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Forhøjet blodtryk - atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

High blood pressure can strain the heart and blood vessels which can lead to an increased risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

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Hvad gør vægttab ved min atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

New studies explain more about the connection between excess weight and atrial fibrillation, and the effect weight loss has on afib.

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Atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer) og alkohol

It is important to understand the difference between alcohol as a risk factor for developing atrial fibrillation or as a risk factor for relapse

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Atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer) og stress

This article will cover the relationship between stress and atrial fibrillation as a risk factor for development and as a trigger of afib.

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Ny viden om alkohol og atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

There has been agreement for many years that there is a link between alcohol and atrial fibrillation, as a risc factor and a trigger of afib.

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Atrieflimren og alder - atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

Atrial fibrillation becomes much more common the older we get. In particular, the risk increases when we reach the age of 65-70 and older.

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Blodprop og blødning – og hvad, hvis jeg ikke tåler medicinen

Atrial fibrillation increases the risk of blood clots, as during an episode the atria is not able to properly drain and can cause blood clots

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Hjertesvigt - atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

Can atrial fibrillation cause heart failure? Atrial fibrillation can cause heart failure and conversely, heart failure can also lead to afib.

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