Direct Current Cardioversion – An Electric Shock That Makes Your Heart Beat Regularly
DC Conversion (Direct Current Cardioversion) delivers a direct current shock to the chest in an attempt to alter the rhythm of the heart.
What is a Maze Procedure?
The Maze Procedure is a difficult operation, but is an effective treatment of atrial fibrillation with a modest risk for complications
What Is a His-Bundle Ablation?
A Bundle of His ablation does not remove or cure atrial fibrillation, but it removes the effect the chaotic signals from AF has on the puls
How does closure of the left atrial auricle (LAAC) work?
One of the most serious complications of atrial fibrillation is a blood clot in the brain. These clots are caused by closure of the left atrial auricle (LAAC)
A Brief History of Atrial Fibrillation
The earliest evidence of humanity’s understanding of heart disease is found in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia.
What can I do if my atrial fibrillation re-occurs
Even if you are receiving treatment to avoid new episodes of atrial fibrillation it is possible for episodes of atrial fibrillation re-occurs
The Circulatory System
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood through your lungs, your brain and the rest of your body – this is called the circulatory system.
The structure of the heart
The heart consists of four chambers – two antechambers and…
What is the Sinus rhythm
The normal heart rhythm. The sinus node regularly sends out signals into the atria – calmly when we are at rest and faster when we are active
What makes your heart pump? – The Electrical Impulses
The sinus node is occasionally called the “natural pacemaker” of your heart. It sends out electrical impulses, called the sinus rhythm.