Risk factors

Risk Factors of atrial fibrillation

Risikofaktorer og hjerteflimmer, atrieflimren, hjerterytmeforstyrrelser
A distinction is made between risk factors for blood clots and bleeding and risk factors for atrial fibrillation. A thorough review of risk factors for blood clots and bleeding is the basis for advising or discouraging treatment with blood-thinning drugs.

Some risk factors for atrial fibrillation can be managed, for example, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, alcohol consumption, and sleep apnea. Others can not be managed, for example, age, height, and sex.

In the posts below, you can read more about risk factors for atrial fibrillation

Atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer) og alkohol

Atrial fibrillation and alcohol

It is important to understand the difference between alcohol as a risk factor for developing atrial fibrillation or as a risk factor for relapse

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Atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer) og stress

Stress and Atrial Fibrillation

This article will cover the relationship between stress and atrial fibrillation as a risk factor for development and as a trigger of afib.

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Atrieflimren og alder - atrieflimren (hjerteflimmer)

Atrial fibrillation and age

Atrial fibrillation becomes much more common the older we get. In particular, the risk increases when we reach the age of 65-70 and older.

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